How to submit support items

Posted 11 years ago
Thread Starter


Oct 2013
lvl 5: Goblin Ponch
Handling support items is pretty tricky so to ensure we understand you, please include all of the following items when submitting a support item:

- Page of the offending item
- Specifically what the problem is
- What browser are you viewing the site in

In the event that this is an account related issue, please use the contact form instead for ease of contact if sensitive materials need to be shared.

Otherwise, thanks for taking the time to tell us there was a problem. It's appreciated.

Neggs Network is not at all associated to the creators of the game and if your question is in regards to the game (instead of our website), please ask your question to the proper channels associated with the game. Thank you.
Posted 11 years ago


Jan 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I don't have any problems (love this site!) But wanted to get ahold of someone. I was wondering if there is a way I can get the Gryphon and Swamp egg icons you are missing on the egg page so I can contribute in some way. Of course I'd want to insure they are in the exact same quality, size, style, etc as the ones you already have, so is that just something you are still working on?
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hi There,

I'm experiencing a problem on the Facebook version of the game (Browser is Firefox). Everytime I want to split a level 10 Lava Dragon in the Magic Lab I get a Server Error 1002 pop-up box, then the game goes back to before the dragon was split! I have tried several times to restart the game (hoping it will sort the problem out), as well as trying to update the browser but still the error keeps presenting itself. What should I do?

Thanking you in advance for your help,

Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
There are hackers hacking your game as I said in your posts but the hack gives unlimited gold,food,and crystals so if you want to stop them from hacking which they will still hack it anyway I will give you the site where I found the hack its so if you need to sue these people you can but don't think that will stop them

Your customer

Jason Chad Kinsey
Posted 10 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Unfortunately qwerty most games have hackers. They even create sites that have visual walk throughs on how to hack. Being that we are not affiliated with Social Quantum, there is not much that Neggs Network can do about it. I know it's not fair to the honest players and it's definitely a co pout way of playing. That's their Karma. I have removed the link that you added to your previous post. We don't want to give ANYONE anymore bright ideas. Thanks for your concern :)
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I was given the spring flower bed and was placing it Wifi problems happened and now I don't have the flower bed. How can I get it back. Also another breeding den, and evolution chamber, also more farms would be helpful. Thank you for your time. Grandmapaulie1
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
In my report setup I put wrong code Paulie49 is the correct one to yahoo
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Love the game, but enjoy the neighbors more. They are becoming family members
Posted 10 years ago


May 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I bought the double headed dragon yesterday and I only receive 1.5k gem and the dragon . Did not receive the food and gold . Any Idea what can I do ?
Posted 10 years ago


Jun 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Is the a guide for this game? I can't find where I can get the areana and other buildings. And know one seems to answer any of the posts that people post here. Are you only supposed to be witty when posting here? Is this site only for people to joke around and won't get an answer?
Posted 10 years ago


Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
okay guys. i have been playing dragons world for a long time on my samsung galaxy tab 7.7. few days ago when i tried to play Dragons world out of nowhere A message pop's out saying,'connection error. The application cannot download data.It's probably due to your network security settings.' i really like this game,could someone give me a solution for this problem? thx :D
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I started the game on a Galaxy S3, then added it to my Asus tablet, THEN started playing on my PC and have no problems. All three devices are synced and which ever one I play on picks up right where the last one left off. (For the record, you can only play on one device at a time. The game WILL log you out if a second one is accidentally started, even if you're in the middle of a battle!)

My son's Galaxy S1 will not play the game, so he started it on FB, but when we tried to add it to his tablet it will not sync. It makes him restart from zero.

Is there is any way to sync his tablet with his FB?
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
*edit to previous post*
When I click "Facebook Connect" it says, "This Facebook profile has already been used for another game in Dragons World. Would you like to use it for the current game?"
Does that mean it will reset the PC game (level 17) to match the tablet (level 4) or reset the tablet to match the PC?
Posted 10 years ago


May 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Regarding the Samurai Siege base builder: Castle level 10 has been out for some time now, is the builder being updated to accommodate C10? Love the site, hope to be able to continue using it. :)
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Aug 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Useing a phone to play DC where can I go to buy dragons that are not breedable ?
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I have been playing dragon's world for a while--am at level 24 now. I have a new chromo tablet. I've played dragon's world on this type of tablet before, and it isn't the greatest, but it works. On this new one I get to see the messages and the new dragon offer, but before the dragons appear in the habitats it turns off and sys google play stopped. Is this an issue with the game, google play or the tablet? Is there any way to know?
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Dec 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I am playing on a kindle. I think it is missing features that other is offer. Am I correct?
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Mar 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
how do u get stuff at this site plz help
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
May 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
I just got a new dragon from the spinning is a Summer Solstice dragon and takes 13hrs. in the nest.
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Jun 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
I have 7 dragons that aren't in the catalog. Is there a way to add them to your list?
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Jun 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
I have no issues with the game nor the site, however I simply wanted to add a little information. I had bred Night(black) dragon with Light(white) , it took a few times, and resulted in a mysterious egg I could not find. Finally when it hatched I discovered that it was a Disco dragon. I didn't see it on your list so simply adding information. Have a pleasant day.:)