Bonbon Monster

Weaknesses Dark
Resistances Earth
Available at Level 7
Incubation Time 06:00:00
Rarity Rare
Type Earth Thunder
Buy 280 Gold
Sell Value 8,750 Gold
XP 4,320 XP
Used in Battles? Yes
Breedable Yes

Bonbon Monster Breeding

Parent Parent Attempts Successes Breed %
Thunder Eagle Rockilla 21 15 47%
Electrex Boneticore 9 6 19%
Electrex Bonbon 21 4 13%
Thunder Eagle Rarawr 5 4 13%
Dragonian Beast Thunder Eagle 7 3 9%
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Percentages are based on what our users have shared with us, your mileage will vary.
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Additional Bonbon Monster Information

Legends tell of the greatest monster in the world, a mythical muscled beast with unpierceable fur and gigantic claws! Perhaps that isn't Bonbon, she is just a tribute, she tries her hardest to be scary though.