Karasu Monster

Weaknesses Light
Resistances Dark
Incubation Time 00:05:00
Rarity Common
Type Dark Thunder
Buy 1,700 Crystals
Sell Value 7,500 Gold
XP 25,200 XP
Lvl 10 Earn Rate 224
Used in Battles? Yes
Breedable Yes

Karasu Monster Breeding

Parent Parent Attempts Successes Breed %
Electrex Obsidia 17 5 38%
Boneticore Beefcake 33 5 38%
Bonbon Erpham 12 1 8%
Thunder Eagle Tyrannoking 14 1 8%
Lostyghost Wolfkami 1 1 8%
Must be logged in to contribute breeding combinations.

Breeding results are based on user contribution, NOT in-game data.
Percentages are based on what our users have shared with us, your mileage will vary.
If you feel there is a problem with the data provided we shall correct it... but only for you.
Please Contact Us to let us know and we'll update the data accordingly.

This monster is only released for a limited time during it's associated holiday

Additional Karasu Monster Information

Silent, deadly and humble, this being has arrived to the New Kingdoms from the land of the rising Sun. This straight warrior, imbalances the fights with his Ninjutsu.